Hackers Underworld 2: Forbidden Knowledge
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The Book of the Archer
by Benjamin Rowe
Copyright 1986, 1992 by Benjamin Rowe
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I. Preparation of the Lamen or Pantacle
Aleph. The student shall prepare a copy of his natal astrological
chart. He should endeavor to make the chart as accurate as possible.
Beth. He shall learn the significance of the planets, signs and houses
in practical astrology. But let him take these meanings as signposts
only, not as complete and true definitions.
Gimel. Let him memorize the positions of the significant points within
the chart, such as the planets, house cusps, etc.
Daleth. He shall visualize the wheel of the zodiac as a spokeless rim,
with the signs engraved thereon in the appropriate colors, each taking
up exactly one- twelfth of the wheel. He shall practice this
visualization until he can hold it in his mind's eye indefinitely.
Let him be aware that this wheel defines the circumference of his being,
Heh. He shall visualize the house cusps as lines radiating from the
center of the wheel unto its edge, dividing the wheel into segments. He
shall also practice this until the visualization can be held
Let him be conscious of the fact that these segments define the Field of
Activity of his secret center, Hadit.
Vav. He shall visualize the planets at their proper locations along
the rim of the wheel, in their correct colors. Again he shall practice
until the image can be held indefinitely without effort.
Let him be conscious that the planets are the expression of his powers
within the field of life, the children of the union between his secret
center and the circumference of existence. Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
Zayin. He shall also learn the significance of the Aspects, the angular
relationships between the planets. He shall discover all such aspects
between the planets in his chart, and visualize them as lines connecting
the planets. He shall color these lines according to his own genius.
He shall also practice this visualization until the image can be held
without effort.
Cheth. Thus he creates the Lamen or Pantacle of his manifest existence,
and the shell within which his spirit lives.
II. The Charging of the Lamen
Teth. The student, according to his understanding of astrology, shall
assign preliminary meanings to the elements of the lamen. He shall
attempt to relate every element to some aspect of his perceptions,
tendencies of thought, behavior, and physical environment. He should be
conscious that the latter two of these are merely expressions of the
former two.
Let him understand again that his interpretation is only a working base,
and will be changed as his understanding grows with this practice.
Yod. He shall obtain an ephemeris of the motions of the planets for
the current time. Let him discover aspects and contacts between the
locations of the planets in the sky, and the planets in his Lamen. He
shall hypothesize possible effects of such contacts, and shall look for
such effects in his life in the world.
Kaph. He shall also follow the reverse of this practice. He shall look
for events within his daily experience that seem to be of particular
significance, or which appear to be receiving emphasis at a particular
time and place. He should make note of the internal sensations and
feelings associated with these events, and those parts of the external
event that were of significance to him.
Then he shall analyze these events, separating out of them those
perceptions and feelings that seem to relate to particular planets
within his lamen. Then let him look to his ephemeris, and find any
contacts between the moving planets and those elements of the lamen. He
shall attempt to discern the quality of the planet in the sky, and the
planet in his lamen, from their effects in the perceived events.
Lamed. By the use of these two methods over time, the student sets up a
continual cycling between solve' and coagula. With each cycle is his
perception of the powers of his lamen, and the powers of the moving
planets, refined and clarified.
Mem. He shall build up a collection of such perceptions for each of
the elements of his lamen. Let him abstract from each collection those
feelings and perceptions that he believes to exemplify the essential
quality of the element in question, and to refine these in his mind
until he perceives them as a pure force.
Nun. He shall then visualize his lamen standing before him, separate
from himself the perceiver. Let him call up within himself the
perception of each force that he has refined from his experience. He
shall visualize the force as a line of light passing out of his body to
its corresponding element in the lamen. He shall see the element of the
lamen glowing with the touch of the force, being charged with it as a
battery is charged, holding the force for later use. Let him also
formulate his essential self as being unaffected by the force, save when
he wills a connection between that self and the element in the lamen.
Samek. He shall repeat this exercise whenever he perceives one of the
forces being called into play by the events of his daily life.
Ayin. He shall do thus with every particular of his manifest life,
until all the elements of the lamen have been thus charged, and each
force is automatically routed through the lamen as he becomes conscious
of it, and every element of his being that is capable of being perceived
has been connected to the Lamen.
III. The Release of the Arrow.
Peh. The magician may make diverse uses of this Lamen or pantacle.
Tzaddi. Let the magician assume the god-form of Nuit. Then let her call
up the image of the lamen, formulating it as a child within her womb.
Let the last drop of her earthly life be given unto this child as the
mother gives life to the child through the umbilicus.
Let her expand her form to the limits of her ability, maintaining the
lamen as a star in her womb. Then shall she cause this star to grow
greater within her womb. But ever shall she be conscious that the star
is not herself, but her child.
Then let her see herself in the contractions of birth. Each contraction
shall be more potent than the last until the child is at last ejected.
Let her see the child as being sent out with such force that he
immediately recedes from view in the distance, leaving nothing of
himself behind.
Then let the magician become conscious of that which remains. Thus she
escapes from herself by one of the formulas of Nuit.
Qoph. Let the magician formulate himself as a minute point within the
axle of the lamen's wheel. He shall see the forces of the lamen
concentrated within the symbols on the rim of the wheel. Let him cause
the symbols of the lamen around him to become magnetic, drawing from him
any residual forces that may be left within him after the lamen's
charging. Let every remaining particle of his being be drawn into the
As these forces are drawn out into the lamen, let him perceive himself
as becoming ever smaller. As the last of his forces are given into the
lamen, he shall be gone.
Thus he escapes from himself by the formula of Hadit.
Resh. In doing the exercises of points Yod and Lamed above, the
magician should also have come to have some sense of the motions of the
actual planets, and the quality of their influence upon the lamen. Let
him determine their apparent positions at the current time by referenc